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10 September 2018

Download Videos to SD Card | Save Your SD Card.

To make sure that videos you’ve downloaded are stored on an SD card, install an SD card on your phone if there isn’t one already. When you have an SD card in your phone, follow the instructions below.
       Compare the rates of interest offered by various banks or financial institutions before actually getting a car loan. Since there are no standard rates in the market, even a slight difference of a few points in the rate of interest could play a huge impact on the amount that you have to repay the lender. The rate of interest differs from floating to flat and varies from lender to lender. Obtain quotations from different dealers of the desired vehicle. Every car dealer has a tie-up with different lender and hence you might receive various quotes on interest rates and other charges. This can help you in evaluating the deals available while helping you the best deal for your car.

      Accurate and complete documentation. Every lending institution follows the KYC (Know Your Customer) norms for granting loans. There is a certain set of documentation that needs to be completed and verified along with your credit record to fulfil the approval of a car loan. Prior to shopping for a car, it can help to get a pre-approved car loan car financing officer from the lender of choice. This guarantees faster processing of the car loan but most importantly, a pre-approved car loan also works as an additional leverage while negotiating with the car dealer. You will be in a better position to bargain for more add-ons or fewer fees while closing the deal.

Choosing loan repayment tenure wisely. The most important part of a car loan is the loan repayment terms. Some lending executives may influence you to opt for a particular loan that may appear appealing to you. For instance, you might be quoted a smaller EMI amount for a seven-year loan period. But if you calculate the total repayment in seven years you may be in for a rude shock. Hence it is prudent to select the minimum loan repayment tenure that can help you to save a lot of money in the long run.

Save to SD card by default
Go to Menu  at the top of your screen.
Tap Settings.
Select Downloads.
Toggle on Use SD card (Save videos to the SD card).
Make sure that there’s enough space available on the SD card to save your Video.

Download Videos to SD Card.
Go to the video you’d like to save to your SD card.
Tap the Download button  below the video, or select Download from a video’s Menu . The Download button  will appear blue below the video once it has been downloaded.
If your device loses connectivity while you’re downloading a video or playlist.
Your progress will resume automatically when you reconnect to a mobile or Wi-Fi Network.


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