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28 September 2018

Keep these four things in focus when dealing with Paytm

Keep these four things in focus when dealing with Paytm
Today's use of PETM has become very common. People use ATMs for shopping, bill payment, recharge, each. We use the PATIm wallet but can be fraudulent due to a small mistake. We can settle for thousands of rupees. We will show you the tips that will help you survive the betting fraud.
Avoid duplicate links

You need to be more careful if you use it for a large amount of ATMs. There are reports that thousands of frauds have been created by creating fake links. The amount of money that you have to transfer is to be sent in the same message. After the message goes away, it does not seem that the message was fake or it was genuine. But if you have any payment, go to the pass book pass book and check your account.

Do not share OTP
Many times people call upon the OTP for PATIMS by calling us. If someone does this, you never give them an OTP in your phone. When we log into our ATM, an OTP is coming up. In this case, if someone logs in to their phone with their phone, the OTP wants. Which you never have to share. If he has taken your phone's OTP once, you can access your account. It can also transfer money from depositing money to your account.

Fake call to KYC
The fraudsters call us on many occasions to complete the KYC of the PATIm account. Then they are cheating on our information. Therefore, if you have any such call, give it to PATIm Customer Care. Also, if you want to do KYC, you can update KYC by going to the app manually.
Do this after being cheated

If there is any kind of fraud with the account created on your PTM app You have to first click on the profile icon on the top of the app. Then click on this icon. There will be an option of '24x7' in front of you. You have to click on this. After clicking, there will be a long list in front of you. Go down a few steps in this list and choose the option of privacy and security. Clicking here will open a new option. Choose the type of fraud that you have had in this option. Now the window that opens will give you complete information. If you have any information associated with the event, put it in this option. Even if there is a document, you can put it in this option.

What will benefit?
If you register your grievance here, then PATM will take action on suspicious transactions at its level. On many occasions, PATM blocking such transactions. There is a little hope that your money can come back in such a situation. You can also find out more about this at PATM Customer Care.

Keep these four things in focus when dealing with Paytm
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