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29 September 2018

This thing of 10 rupees will get rid of the hair and the hair falling away will stop.

This thing of 10 rupees will get rid of the hair and the hair falling away will stop.

Nowadays, most people are worried about hair loss and growing obesity. Thousands of rupees have to be spent to get rid of it. But to get rid of all this, today we are going to tell you a very tough domestic man.

Calooj is very useful for weight loss. Due to this metabolism fastening digestive action. To use it, one glass of Navsheka will be dissolved by drinking one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of almond oil and drinking it.

Use of celery can also be avoided by the problem of hair loss and hair loss. Anti-bacterial and anti-healing properties in them remove the dryness on the head skin. For its use, one teaspoon oil of oil and coconut oil must be mixed with hairs. This process should be done three or four times a week.

It is also very effective to remove the problem of dough. To apply it, cook half a liter of coconut oil and grind it with 100 grams of coconut. When the oil is half done, cool it and keep it in a bottle, now massage it in the evening and in the morning every evening. By doing this for approximately one week, the drying in the upper part of the head is returned.

Kalongji’s oil also helps to glow the skin. By mixing half a teaspoonful of olive oil in half a teaspoon of kalounji oil, the skin becomes silken after drinking it before breakfast.

If someone is gas or indigestion, then Kalonji helps to fix this problem. For this, you should drink a few stomachs of water in the morning and add salt, half a teaspoon of ginger juice and kalongji. From this, the dirt stuck in the intestine is removed.

If you want to sharpen your mind, boil 8 tablespoons of mint leaves and two tablespoons of olive oil in a glass of water.

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