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12 November 2018

Teachers Do Not Benefit In Cash In Cash, The Teachers Intervene With The Government.

Teachers Do Not Benefit In Cash In Cash, The Teachers Intervene With The Government.
When the state government has retired, the retired teachers of state government have been protesting against the granting of non-payment of subsidy to the grant-in-aid of the Higher Secondary teachers. When the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board instructed all retired teachers to intervene against the government, Is there.

The Education Department of Gujarat Government has recently suspended the benefits given to the retired teachers of state's Granted Secondary and Higher Secondary School for the benefit of 300 rupees in cash. The government has now suspended the benefits of the demand for clarification and clarification by the Accountant General, Rajkot, on the benefits given in leave cash to the government.
In 2013, the teachers who were retired by the government were given the benefit of this benefit and the teaching of teachers is that under 600 Half Leve, cash should be given as per 300 full livelihood, but the government has made 150 holidays due to misinterpretation. Therefore, the Gujarat Secondary Teacher Board and Higher Secondary Teacher The teachers who retire are not allowed to leave the government bills in the government and if they are put in place, they will not be allowed to leave on the leave. More than 1,500 teachers have been retired on October 31.
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