The Phone Will Be Charged Without Electricity, Make Yourself A Solar Charger At Home.
Utility Desk: You can solve the problem of phone charging in 5 to 10 minutes. For this, you have to create a solar charger. Solar charger can be prepared in just 2 minutes. The special thing about this charger is that you can charge the phone without electricity at home. However, this solar charger will only work in sunlight or more light.
#The things will need to fall
This kind of charger you can make yourself at home. To create a solar charger you only need three items. You must have USB OTG cable, 5V 1A voltage regulator and a 6V 80 mA mini solar panel. You can make a solar charger with the combination of these three. The good thing is that, all these three things you have to do right by following the appropriate steps. The online prizes of these three items are about Rs 500. When you buy an online solar charger, it costs at least Rs.1000.
> Micro USB to USB OTG Cable: 60 Rupees
> LM7805 Positive Voltage Regulator: 120 (set of 5)
> 6V 80mA Mini Solar Panel: Rs 333
> 6V 80mA Mini Solar Panel: Rs 333
(All these items are found on Amazon, you can buy it from other websites or local markets)
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