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27 January 2019

American University All Information

American University All Information
American University is a student-centered research institution located in Washington, DC, with highly-ranked schools and colleges, internationally-renowned faculty, and a reputation for creating meaningful change in the world. Our students distinguish themselves for their service, leadership, and ability to rethink global and domestic challenges and opportunities.
At AU passion becomes action; students actively engage in the world around them; and the leaders of today train the leaders of tomorrow.

American University is a Methodist-affiliated institution chartered by Congress in 1893. An answer to George Washington's call to create a national university in the nation's capital, American University was designed to train public servants for the future, a vision it still holds to this day.STORY

American University is led by Sylvia M. Burwell, our 15th and first female president. The University's governance is directed by the Board of Trustees and senior university administrators.

Strategically located in a beautiful residential district of Washington, DC, our campus—an accredited arboretum—combines the advantages of a traditional college setting with the energy, culture, and opportunities of a global capital city.CAMPUS

Get to know our goals and initiatives and access important information about American University's organizational structure, strategic plan, budget, and policies.
At American University, we share a passion for creating change through our knowledge and our work. Explore job opportunities with us and learn how you can become a part of our community.

AU is a top-producer of Fulbright Scholars (12 in 2017). Two juniors were named Truman Scholars that same year, making AU one of only seven institutions with more than one recipient of a Truman Scholarship. AU had two Rhodes Scholarship finalists in 2018.

In 2017 AU was a top-producer of Boren Scholars and Fellows (No. 1); Presidential Management Fellows (No. 4); and Udall Scholars (No. 2).
American University is ranked ninth in the nation by institutional type and the percentage of undergraduates who studied abroad, according to 2018 data from Open Doors.

Academic offerings include 71 bachelor’s, 87 master’s, and 10 doctoral degrees, plus the Washington College of Law’s JD, LLM, and SJD programs. Additionally, students have the opportunity to create individualized interdisciplinary programs at the bachelor’s level.
AU offers 27 online master’s degrees and graduate certificates.
Each semester, students worldwide participate in programs through American’s Washington Semester Program, American University Abroad, and Abroad at American University.

  • 92 percent of all reporting bachelor’s students of the Class of 2017 showed positive employment or graduate school outcomes six months after graduation (the same as for May 2016).
  • Outcomes for those with master’s degrees are similarly positive, with 92 percent overall having positive employment or graduate school outcomes (a 1 percent increase since May 2016).
  • 95 percent of the AU Career Center population reported a positive outcome, with a response rate of 80 percent for recipients of master’s degrees.
  • Unique among universities in its peer group, it possesses an A1 Moody’s rating and an A+ S&P rating.
  • Innovative Research Centers
AU is known for its innovative research centers, including the Antiracist Research and Policy Center, directed by National Book Award-winner Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, and the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies, which draws leading experts from academia, journalism, and the worlds of policy and advocacy to serve as research fellows in advancing scholarship and contributing to public debate.

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