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17 January 2019

Online Student And Teacher Attendance New Portal Link : Gujarat Online Attendance New Portal

Online Student And Teacher Attendance New Portal Link : Gujarat Online Attendance New Portal
One teacher in each school will be entrusted with putting attendance data online for perusal of the education department. The project aims to arrest absenteeism in students and teachers. The irregular attendance of teachers, especially in remote areas, hurts education the worse. The department has also thought of carrying out surprise checks to check the functioning of teachers and to verify the data it is getting, a source said.
  Officials say the availability of student attendance data online will help the department identify the reasons for their absence and will enable timely intervention. At present, the department cannot know about absenteeism among students and when the data becomes available, it to late for interventions, said an official in the education department
The department started work on the system two months ago. A special app has been made for it. The education department will implement the system from Monday for the primary section at its schools. It plans to introduce the system in a phased manner in the secondary and higher secondary sections.
Education secretary Vinod Rao said, “We prepared the online data system with to make all information on attendance available to the department. We are trying to introduce a biometric attendance system in the near future.
Online Student And Teacher Attendance New Portal Link : Gujarat Online Attendance new portal

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