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21 January 2019

Railway RPF Constable/SI Admit Card 2018  : RPF Constable Admit Card 2019 For Group A, B, F Candidates 

Railway RPF Constable/SI Admit Card 2018  : RPF Constable Admit Card 2019 For Group A, B, F Candidates 
RPF Admit Card will be available for all registered aspirants in the last week of November in online mode. To download RPF Admit Card, aspirants will have to login by entering their application number & password. Railway Protection Force Constables & SI exam will be organized by the Railway Recruitment Board. RPF Constables & SI exam will be conducted in the month of December. The hard copy of RPF Constables & SI Admit Card will not be available. It is mandatory to take a print out of the Admit Card for appearing in RPF examination. Read instructions printed on admit card carefully. If there are any particular documents mentioned in instructions keep them ready to carry for the exam. For more information regarding RPF Admit card, read the article below.
Indian Railways is an Indian state-owned enterprise, owned and operated by the Government of India through the Ministry of Railways. It is one of the world’s largest railway networks comprising 115,000 km (71,000 mi) of track over a route of 65,436 km (40,660 mi) and 7,172 stations. In 2014-15, IR carried 8.397 billion passengers annually or more than 23 million passengers a day (roughly half of whom were suburban passengers) and 1050.18 million tons of freight in the year. In 2014–2015 Indian Railways had revenues of 1634.50 billion (US$26 billion) which consists of 1069.27 billion (US$17 billion) from freight and 402.80 billion (US$6.4 billion) from passengers tickets
Indian Railway make Recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board (RRB). 
              Recruitments conduct for Southern Zone (SR), Central Zone (CR), Western Zone (WR), Eastern Zone (ER), Northern Zone (NR), North Eastern Zone (NER), South Eastern Zone (SER), Northeast Frontier (NFR), South Central (SCR), Kolkata Metro (KMRCL), East Central (ECR), North Western (NWR), East Coast (ECoR), North Central (NCR), South East Central (SECR), South Western (SWR), West Central (WCR).

Railway RPF Constable/SI Admit Card 2018  : RPF Constable Admit Card 2019 For Group A, B, F Candidates
Constable Call Letter SI click here

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