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05 February 2019

Gujarat No Bhugol 1150 Prashno Pdf File

Gujarat No Bhugol 1150 Prashno Pdf File
CTP insurance is linked to the registration of a vehicle. It is transferred when an already registered vehicle is sold. It covers the vehicle owner and any person who drives the vehicle against claims for liability in respect of the death or injury to people caused by the fault of the vehicle owner or driver, but not for damage. A Compulsory Third Party Insurance is the coverage which covers the third party with the repairing cost of the vehicle, any property damage or medication expenses which are encountered as a result of an accident by the insured. This may include any kind of physical damage, bodily injuries or damage to property and covers the cost of all reasonable medical treatment for injuries received in the accident, loss of wages, cost of care services, and in some cases compensation for pain and suffering. Notably, the motorist or the insured is responsible for his own loss as he is not covered for any loss in such type of insurance.

Gujarat No Bhugol 1150 Prashno Pdf File

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