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03 February 2019

Your PAN Card Will Be Depleted, Government Decision Will Not Go Away After March 31

Your PAN Card Will Be Depleted, Government Decision Will Not Go Away After March 31
PAN card is one of the essential documents. Whether the income tax department is about to return the return or the matter of opening an account in the bank. There is a need for a PAN card for each type of money transaction. Even the government has made the PANcard compulsory for shopping. PANcard is a document that also shows your financial status. But what will happen when your PAN card is canceled. Yes, this is possible. If you do not have a required work by March 31, 2019, your PAN card can be canceled. This is the last chance that you can save your papers.

Pan-base linking required
The last date for linking PAN card with the support card is March 31, 2019. If you have not linked to it yet, you may face major problems in the future. Last year, the government has stopped 11.44 lakh papers, or has thrown them into the inactive category. If you do not have a support-linked link after the deadline of March 31, then this can also happen with you.

Can be invalid
If you have not yet linked the PAN card with the Aadhaar card, you may face many of the problems. Your PANcard under section 139AA of the Income Tax Act will be considered invalid. According to experts, if you do not have a PAN card link, you can not file an online ITR file. Your tax refund can also be caught. Also the PANcard will be invalid.

PAN card will be canceled after deadlines
Last year the government asked the taxpayers to link support to the PANcard for paying an InMeTax return. However, its deadline was increased later. Until March 2018, there was a last date for linking Pan-base, but it has increased it due to a hearing on the basis of the Supreme Court ruling. Then its deadline was 31 August 2018. But then it has been increased to 31 March 2019. But if the Aadhaar card is not linked to PAN card, then the PAN card can be canceled.

Can link online
  • If you have not already done so, register yourself first.
  • Go to the e-filing website of the Income Tax department (
  • You will see an option on the website 'Link Support', click here.
  • After logging in, go to the profile setting of your account.
  • In the profile setting you will see a link to the support card, select it.
  • Fill out the base number and the captcha code in the section given here.
  • After completing all the information click on the link support option shown below, after which your support will be linked.
Link to SMS for your page
The other way is that you can link support with a PANcard from a mobile phone. You have to link your PAN card with a support card via SMS. The Enemax Department said that sending the SMS to 567678 or 56161 can be linked to the PAN card.

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