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03 March 2019

NCERT Updates Textbook For 2019-20 aAcademic Session Schools In Gujarat Replicate NCERT Textbooks Gujarat State School Textbook Board

NCERT Updates Textbook For 2019-20 a
Academic Session Schools In Gujarat Replicate NCERT Textbooks Gujarat State School Textbook Board
The State education department on Friday officially announced the implementation of National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) syllabus across all state board schools in Gujarat over the next two years. Classes 9 to 12 in over 17,000 state board schools will implement the NCERT syllabus by 2019-2020. The department believes this will bring state board students on a par with CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) and prepare them for competitive exams like NEET and JEE.

Sunaina Tomar, principal secretary, primary and secondary education, government of Gujarat said, “Most competitive exams are based on CBSE syllabus and state board students find it difficult to compete with CBSE students. So, if CBSE syllabus is implemented, state board students will be on a par with them.” In the 2018-2019 academic year, Class 9 and 11of all state board schools will follow NCERT syllabus for all subjects except Gujarati and Social Science. The NCERT textbooks will be translated into Gujarati language for vernacular medium students.
Also, from 2019-2020 academic session, the syllabus will be implemented in Class 10 and 12 for all subjects except Gujarati and Social Science. There are no Gujarati language books by NCERT for these classes while Social Science syllabus varies from state to state, said sources. Hitendra Trivedi, principal of CN Vidyavihar feels that just changing the syllabus will not have the desired impact. “Only the syllabus is changing now.

Come the 2019-20 academic session, close to one crore unsold NCERT textbooks will become obsolete as texts are being updated for the upcoming year.
While textbooks becoming redundant on updation is nothing new, what’s unusual is NCERT’s huge inventory of unsold books. “A rough estimate suggests that Rs 25-30 crore worth of books will become obsolete in the new academic session,” said a senior National Council of Educational Research and Training official.
This is the first major updation of NCERT books in seven years involving all texts. Last year, NCERT commissioned a print run for 4.6 crore textbooks. HRD ministry sources said nearly a crore of these books have remained unsold.

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