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29 January 2019

Decisions Information And Official Website

Decisions Information And Official Website
Decisions is a leading provider of BPM/Workflow/Rule Technology headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia.
Decisions was founded in 2010 by Carl Hewitt to provide technology for automating of key business processes and business rules, but making the rules and the logic accessible to non programming staff. Carl’s passion for process automation comes from a career spent enabling enterprises to change rules and change business logic faster, and more reliably. Carl has started two other successful software companies, and he launched Decisions with a core team that has been together for over a decade.
Decisions technology is deployed as the basis of multiple commercial applications in medical, finance, logistics and operations software. In addition to this, Decisions technology is used directly by companies on almost all continents, ranging from small/mid size companies to over a dozen of the Fortune 500.

Development, service, and support operations include staff in Europe and Asia – providing 24×7 coverage for development and production support.

‘Decisions’ initial mission was to be an embedded rule and workflow platform. Software companies (OEM/SAAS) that required the customization and integration capabilities would be provided licensing/commercial arrangements that matched how the product would be brought to market.

THIS HAS NOT CHANGED! Our software partners are still central – even though we sell directly to customers. Our customers benefit from the flexibility of the thinking required to support partners.

Yes, we now sell directly to customers but in many cases, customers who come to us are doing so only after failing to find a case-specific solution that met their needs.

Every aspect of ‘Decisions’ supports deep linking, rebranding, styling, and content distribution. The needs of software company partners have always been central in all architecture and feature decisions.

This may take different forms with different partners:
  • Leverage services
  • Distribute created workflows/rules – upsell designers
  • Build product on top of the Decisions Platform
  • Offer as companion product
  • Resell ‘Decisions’
  • Refer Customers to ‘Decisions’ Sales
Every partner is a bit different. We would love to have a conversation with you both about the application patterns you need to support and how you will bring your application to market.
Official Website Click Here

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